The chart below shows some words that change pronunciation depending on whether they used are nouns or verbs. Notice how the stress goes on the first syllable if the word is a noun and the second syllable if the word is a verb.
Noun | Verb |
CONduct | conDUCT |
ATTribute | attrIBute |
COMbat | comBAT |
CONflict | conFLICT |
CONtest | conTEST |
CONtract | conTRACT |
DEcrease | deCREASE |
EScort | esCORT |
IMpact | imPACT |
INcrease | inCREASE |
INsult | inSULT |
OBject | obJECT |
PERmit | perMIT |
PREsent | preSENT |
PROceed | proCEED |
PROgress | proGRESS |
PROject | proJECT |
REbel | reBEL |
REfill | reFILL |
REfund | reFUND |
REject | reJECT |
REpeat | rePEAT |
SUBject | subJECT |
SUSpect | susPECT |