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Business English Conversation Lessons: Brands

In this conversation lesson, students learn vocabulary related to brands and then discuss the topic. Teach the vocabulary and then have students do the conversation questions in pairs or small groups.


Recommended terms to pre-teach:

Basic brand elements: name, logo, tagline, slogan

Type of brands: premium brand, store brand, generic brand, name brand, service brand 

Additional terms: brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, brand extension

Conversation Questions

1. What are some brands from your country with high brand awareness? What type of products are they? What are the taglines of these products? 

2. What are some brands with a well-known logo? What do you think are the most recognized logos worldwide? Discuss with your group and try to agree on what you think are the 10 most-recognized logos worldwide. [Note: It’s hard to get a consensus on this. Different publications have different answers. The idea here is for your students to discuss it.]

3. What are some premium brands you know? What qualities do they have? What sets these brands apart from the competition?

4. Do you buy generic brands? Why or why not? Tell your group about it.

5. Describe the brand image of the following brands: Red Bull, Pepsi, Nintendo, Victoria’s Secret, Chanel, Hyundai, McDonald’s, SubwayTell your group what you think of when hear these brand names. What are some adjectives that come to mind when you think of these brands?

6. Do you have brand loyalty to certain brands? Which brands? Why do you have brand loyalty to these brands? What is the brand image of these brands?

7. Can you think of any companies that have extended their brand? Which companies? Were they successful?

Also see these business English conversation lessons.