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American English Abbreviations and Acronyms


MD – medical doctor
RN  registered nurse
the ER – emergency room
ICU  intensive care unit
the CDC  Center for Disease Control
HIV  human immunodeficiency virus
AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ADD  attention deficit disorder
ADHD  attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder
PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder
STD sexually transmitted disease
OTC over the counter
PMS  premenstrual syndrome



Television Networks:

CNN  Cable News Network
NBC  National Broadcasting Company
ABC  American Broadcasting Company
HBO  Home Box Office
MTV Music Television
VH1  Video Hits One
PBS  Public Broadcasting System
ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network

Movie Ratings:

G – General Audiences
PG  Parental Guidance Suggested
PG-13  Parents Strongly Cautioned
R  Restricted
NC-17  No one 17 and under Admitted


MLB  Major League Baseball
the NFL  the National Football League
NBA – the National Basketball Association
NHL  the National Hockey League
MLS  Major League Soccer
NCAA – National Collegiate Athletic Association
MVP most valuable player



CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO – Chief Financial Officer
CPA – Certified Public Accountant
B2B  business to business
MBA  Master of Business Administration
HR Human Resources
PR  public relations
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4  first quarter, second quarter, etc.
VP  Vice President
PTO  paid time off
UPC  universal product code
TOS  terms of service

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