Business English Scattergories Lists

Scattergories is a board game by Milton Bradley in which players need to fill out their category list with answers that start with the same letter. Below are some Scattergories lists suitable for business English classes. These cards work great as a warm up for business English classes. Students can compete individually or in teams. In addition to the cards provided here, students can also generate their own lists.


Business English Scattergories List 1

reason to cancel a meeting  ____________________________________________

reason to have a meeting  _____________________________________________

excuse for being late for work _____________________________________________

positive adjective for a manager ________________________________________

negative adjective for a manager _______________________________________

well-known person in your field (first or last name) __________________________

something people keep on their desks ___________________________________

department in a company _____________________________________________


Business English Scattergories List 2

something you do at work every day _____________________________________

job title _____________________________________________________

idiom used in the workplace ___________________________________________

technology company ________________________________________________

way to relieve stress ________________________________________________

cause of stress _____________________________________________________

common workplace complaint _________________________________________

reason to make a phone call ___________________________________________


Business English Scattergories List 3

reason to quit your job ______________________________________________

weekend activity ___________________________________________________

word related to banking/finance _______________________________________

perk/benefit _____________________________________________________

something that gets you in trouble with HR _______________________________________

reason to ignore a phone call _________________________________________

something people lie about at work ____________________________________

item in this room ___________________________________________________


Business English Scattergories List 4

something you take on a business trip ____________________________________

multinational company _______________________________________________

invention that changed the world _______________________________________

something you shouldn’t bring to work ___________________________________

valuable professional skill _____________________________________________

delicate situation ___________________________________________________

college major ______________________________________________________

way people waste time at work ________________________________________


Business English Scattergories List 5

country ___________________________________________________

something you have to do today ________________________________________

retail store _________________________________________________

reason to request a refund ____________________________________________

something your manager should do ______________________________________

way to stay organized _________________________________________________

word related marketing/advertising _____________________________________

world leader _______________________________________________



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